Phone Numbers
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You can buy the Phone Number by clicking on “Buy New Phone Number” option.
Once you click on Buy New Phone number, the following page opens
Also, you can buy DID by searching through area code.
In case you don’t find the desired DID in our inventory you can always email us on
Request DID: When the DID you are looking for is not available under the buy DID section, you can place a request to us.
Tag: You can give a name to your DID to uniquely identify it.
Group: You can create groups for the DIDs
DID type: It is the plan for your DID which can be metered/flatrate/channelised, depending on your call traffic.
5. Configuration: It displays the configuration set for your DID and enabled capabilities.
6. Cancel Phone number: Select the phone number you want to Cancel and click on:
It can be filtered based on :
Starts with: - Filters the DID that begins with the numbers entered here.
Ends with:- Filters the DID that ends with the numbers entered here.
Contains: - Filters the DID that contains the numbers here in no particular order.
NOTE: You can select any one of the mentioned filters
From the Drop Down (Select A DID Action), Select Manage Routing and Click on Apply.
Select your configuration type.
You can choose, Direct to IP or to SIP Account, Click on Save.
Note: Understand different available Configurations to be able to choose the one that best suits your system.
Direct to IP – Config 1
Direct to IP – Config 2
Forward to Phone: Direct the DID to any phone number
SIP Client as User: SIP account and Voicemail configuration
SIP Client as Trunk: Standard SIP account configuration
Forward to Web URL:
Forward to SIP URL:
Configure as existing number: Add configuration same as already configured number in your account.
Remove configurations: Remove existing configuration.
Custom call flow: You can modify your call flow using various options like Play message, Call transfer, Group calls, Capture digits, SMS, Hang up.clients.
In order to search the DID by states click on “Search by states” . The following window appears.
DID configuration: It’s time to set the configuration for the DID you just purchased. Select the DID and go to , you will see the following page:
Capabilities: . You can enable and disable the following by clicking on the icon.
Click on DID Configs. Select the DID number you want to configure.