This API also needs JSON data in the body with a date range. Example of date range with the parameter has been given on example tab of body text box. API will give all messages that have been sent from your account. This api has special parameter that last_record_number that will be responsible for next page. It works as a pagination so whenever it will give more than 0 value that means you have more than 500 hundred records. So for getting other record please send the value of last_record_number parameter in body.

The response will have a status parameter and it will be true or false. According to that, API will not depend upon the status code because the code is only used for herders.

Sample Response

   "status": true,
    "message": "Success",
    "sms_cdr": [
                "sender": "141XXXX5001",
                "reciever": "9199XXXXX261",
                "uuid": "1462XXXX74016",
                "message": "Fresh new test",
                "cost": 2.46611,
                "status": "sent",
                "direction": "outbound",
                "date": "2018-08-10 08:19:50"
    "last_record_number": 0,
    "code": 100

Last updated

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